HERMES - High-Energy Radiative MESsengers¶

HERMES is a publicly available computational framework for the line of sight integration which creates sky maps in the HEALPix-compatibile format of various galactic radiative processes including Faraday rotation, synchrotron and free-free radio emission, gamma-ray emission from pion-decay, bremsstrahlung and inverse-Compton. The name is an acronym for “High-Energy Radiative MESsengers”.
The code is written in C++ relying on features of the language’s recent revisions (C++11, C++14). Once compiled, HERMES can optionally be used from Python thanks to pybind11 (Python 2.X is not supported). Some components of the code (such as galactic magnetic field models, vector and grid classes) were adopted from CRPropa 3, a code for cosmic ray propagation.
HERMES provides the following integrators:
- Dispersion measure
- Rotation measure
- Free-Free emission
- Synchrotron emission (with absorption)
- Pion decay gamma-ray emission
- Inverse Compton scattering
- Bremsstrahlung
- Gamma-ray emissions from Dark Matter annihilation
The complete feature list is documented here.
Quick procedure for those who know their way around:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
For detailed installation guides and requirements see INSTALL.
from pyhermes import *
from pyhermes.units import TeV, deg, kpc, pc
nside = 512
Egamma = 0.1*TeV
sun_pos = Vector3QLength(8.0*kpc, 0*pc, 0*pc)
skymap = GammaSkymap(nside, Egamma)
mask = RectangularWindow([5*deg, 40*deg], [-5*deg, 90*deg]);
neutral_gas = neutralgas.RingModel(neutralgas.GasType.HI)
cosmicray_protons = cosmicrays.Dragon2D(Proton)
pp_crosssection = interactions.Kamae06Gamma()
integrator = PiZeroIntegrator(cosmicray_protons, neutral_gas, pp_crosssection)
integrator.setupCacheTable(100, 100, 20)
output = outputs.HEALPixFormat("!pizero-dragon2d.fits.gz")
More examples can be found in the examples repository. Full documentation of the code is available here.
Name | Institution |
Andrej Dundovic | Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila, Italy |
Carmelo Evoli | Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila, Italy |
Daniele Gaggero | Instituto de Física Teórica UAM/CSIC, Madrid, Spain |