Template Class SkymapTemplate

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

template <typename QPXL, typename QSTEP>
class SkymapTemplate : public Skymap

Provides a HEALPix-compatibile container template with undefined units of pixels; should be inherited in every process-specific skymap.

Template Parameters

Public Types

typedef tFluxContainer::iterator iterator

iterator goodies

typedef tFluxContainer::const_iterator const_iterator

Public Functions

SkymapTemplate(std::size_t nside = 64, const QSTEP &p = QSTEP(0))


SkymapTemplate(std::size_t nside, const std::shared_ptr<SkymapMask> mask_)
SkymapTemplate(std::size_t nside, const QSTEP &p, const std::shared_ptr<SkymapMask> mask_)
void setSkymapParameter(const QSTEP &p)

Setter for the skymap parameter

QSTEP setSkymapParameter() const

Getter for the skymap parameter

std::size_t size() const

Size of the skymap container (same as getNPix())

std::size_t getUnmaskedPixelCount() const

Calculate the total number of unmasked pixels

QPXL getPixel(std::size_t ipix) const
double getPixelAsDouble(std::size_t i) const

Retrieve ith (

ipix) pixel as naked double

QPXL getMean() const

Calculate the mean value of unmasked pixels

bool hasMask() const

Checks if the skymap is masked

QPXL operator[](std::size_t ipix) const

Pixel accessor [] (same as getPixel)

QPXL *data()

Returns a pointer to the pixel container

void setIntegrator(std::shared_ptr<IntegratorTemplate<QPXL, QSTEP>> integrator_)

Set the line of sight integrator

void setOutput()
void printPixels() const
void setMask(std::shared_ptr<SkymapMask> mask_)
std::vector<bool> getMask() const
bool isMasked(std::size_t pixel) const
void computePixel(std::size_t ipix, const std::shared_ptr<IntegratorTemplate<QPXL, QSTEP>> &integrator_)
void computePixelRange(std::size_t start, std::size_t end, const std::shared_ptr<IntegratorTemplate<QPXL, QSTEP>> &integrator_)
void compute()
void convertToUnits(QPXL units_, const std::string &defaultUnitsString)


QNumber toSkymapDefaultUnits(const QPXL pixel) const
QPXL getOutputUnits() const
std::string getOutputUnitsAsString() const
std::string getUnits() const
std::vector<float> containerToRawVector() const
void save(std::shared_ptr<outputs::Output> output) const
SkymapTemplate<QPXL, QSTEP>::const_iterator begin()
const_iterator begin() const
SkymapTemplate<QPXL, QSTEP>::const_iterator end()
const_iterator end() const
void setNside(std::size_t nside_)
std::size_t getNside() const
void setRes(std::size_t res_)
std::size_t getRes() const
std::size_t getNpix() const
std::string getDescription() const
void setDescription(const std::string &description)

Protected Types

typedef QPXL tPixel
typedef std::vector<tPixel> tFluxContainer

Protected Functions

void initDefaultOutputUnits(QPXL units, const std::string &unitsString)
void initContainer()
void initMask()

Protected Attributes

tFluxContainer fluxContainer
std::vector<bool> maskContainer
tPixel defaultOutputUnits
std::string defaultOutputUnitsString
QSTEP skymapParameter
std::shared_ptr<SkymapMask> mask
std::shared_ptr<IntegratorTemplate<QPXL, QSTEP>> integrator
std::shared_ptr<ProgressBar> progressbar
std::shared_ptr<std::mutex> progressbar_mutex
std::size_t nside
std::size_t npix
std::size_t res
std::string description